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Bloomreach Pricing: Is it Worth it & What to Expect? [2024]

Vinod RamachandranAugust 4, 2024

If you are wondering about Bloomreach's pricing and what you can expect, this guide is for you.

Even though Bloomreach does not specify its pricing on its website, we still managed to find some numbers.

This article reviews Bloomreach's pricing model, features, and cost structure.


  • Bloomreach does not publicly disclose its exact pricing because it is custom to each customer and their needs.
  • The pricing structure of Bloomreach consists of a module fee (the features) and a usage fee.
  • According to users, the tool has a set-up fee that starts at $4,000.
  • There's no freemium, but you can try the product for free - only on Shopify for SMS marketing.
  • The only public pricing of Bloomreach is on Shopify's App Store for their Engagement product.
  • Some users complain that Bloomreach raised their contract price when renewing.

At the end of this guide, we’ll introduce a new AI-powered tool that helps your customers with product discovery via a shopping assistant-like experience.

Bloomreach's Plans

Bloomreach is a cloud-based software that connects customer and product data to personalize all customer touch-points with your e-commerce brand.

There are 3 different products of Bloomreach:

  • Bloomreach Engagement.
  • Bloomreach Discovery.
  • Bloomreach Content.

Bloomreach's pricing works with custom annual subscriptions that consist of the following:

  • Module fee: You pay for the features you wish to access, such as email marketing. You only pay for the features you use.
  • Usage fee: The more customers you serve with Bloomreach, the more you'll pay for the platform.

Subscribing to multiple plans to get what you want out of the platform is also possible.

The custom pricing takes into consideration:

  • The number of customers you are planning to serve with Bloomreach.
  • The size of your product catalog.
  • The number of events you plan on executing, such as emails and SMS messages.

💡The usage model supports scalability. Your per-unit price will get lower the more you use the platform.

Here’s a little sneak-a-peek into Bloomreach's products:

Is there a free plan for Bloomreach?

Bloomreach does not offer a free plan.

But there is something close to a free plan, which is the SMS Free Trial on their Shopify App Store:

You can test out their SMS features for a 30-day trial period with 500,000 messages and get access to:

  • Automation templates.
  • Real-time segmentation.
  • Integrations with Klaviyo and Gorgias.
  • Adv analytics.
  • TCPA sign-up units.

💡This free trial is only available for online stores on Shopify.

Another free trial we found is their limited offer for their Real-Time Insights feature.

This gives you 60 days of access to Bloomreach's reports and dashboards, where you can access AI-powered customer insights.

Bloomreach Engagement

Engagement is one of the 3 products of Bloomreach that gives you access to data-driven marketing automations across email, advertising, website, and SMS.

The product plan gives you access to the following product modules:

  • Personalized email marketing automations.
  • Personalized SMS and Mobile messaging to help you convert more subscribers.
  • On-site and in-app personalization and A/B testing.
  • AI predictions, data unification, and omnichannel orchestration.
  • Ad optimization with better visibility into historical and predicted user behavior.

You have to pay for these features separately unless you combine them with Enterprise Engagement.

The Enterprise Engagement plan is an omnichannel marketing solution that includes all the packages from above for your marketing channels, customer data, and analytics.

The enterprise plan of Engagement allows you to manage all customer data and marketing channels from a single place.

Bloomreach has transparent pricing on Shopify for their Engagement plan, which starts at $19,020/year per module.

Retailers whose online stores are not on Shopify will have to contact Bloomreach to get a quote for Engagement.

Drawback - Combining Modules Make it Expensive

To use Bloomreach's full capabilities, you'll have to combine the tool's product modules.

Customers of the platform mention that Bloomreach can get very expensive when you combine multiple products.

Bloomreach Discovery

Discovery is Bloomreach's product discovery product that helps your customers find the right product for their needs.

The product is an e-commerce site search that lets you personalize the search results to each specific customer.

The software gives you access to:

  • A personalized site search function.
  • AI product recommendations.
  • Insights into how people search.
  • SEO functionality where you can boost site traffic by automatically targeting the most profitable keywords.
  • A/B testing of search results.

The product has three modules—Merchandising, Recommendations, and SEO—each of which must be paid for separately.

The platform allows you to start with Site Search, which is required to use Discovery, and then add additional modules like Merchandising.

Drawback - More expensive than competitors

Customers of Bloomreach's Discovery note that its cost structure is higher than competitors', and they had to negotiate to lower it.

Bloomreach Content

Bloomreach Content is a headless CMS that allows you to personalize the customer experience of your whole website.

The tool's headless CMS uses APIs and custom integrations to display content on any device to personalize your users' shopping journey across multiple devices.

The software lets you to:

  • Turn any page into a shoppable experience with a drag-and-drop builder.
  • Optimize your product pages with e-commerce elements like product grids, recommendation widgets, and product showcases.
  • Build dynamic landing pages.
  • Personalize your content across multiple channels.

The product has 3 modules - Grow, Scale, and Enterprise - which must be paid for separately.

Content's Enterprise plan lets you develop custom business logic, customize your website with Java, and access a private cloud.

💡You can integrate Bloomreach Content with Discovery and Engagement.

Drawback - Complex and long setup

Users of Bloomreach Content note that implementing the platform on their website was complex and took long.

What has been reported to be the price of Bloomreach?

The rule is simple:

The more features you require and the more customers you plan on serving with the platform, the more expensive it will be.

So far, the only pricing we have available is the one of Bloomreach Engagement on Shopify - starting from $19,020/year per module.

We could not find any testimonials from Bloomreach customers who mentioned how much the platform actually costs them.

However, we got other data on Bloomreach and how they base their pricing.

We found that there is a set-up cost of Bloomreach, which starts at $4,000. It can get more than that, depending on the amount of modules you want to set up.

Here are other reported costs associated with Bloomreach:

  • The software can be customized to meet specific needs, but the advanced customization will cost a few thousand dollars, if not more.
  • You can pay to migrate your data from old systems to new software. Depending on the size of your data, this process can cost several thousand dollars.
  • Ongoing software maintenance and support can also cost you a few hundred dollars, if not more.

According to their users, the brand offers annual commitments, which are longer-term agreements but can unlock better rates and pricing flexibility.

You'll need to contact them for a quote to get accurate pricing for your business.

We already covered that some users could negotiate a lower price after using multiple products.

💡Bloomreach's pricing model has been reported unfit for brands that charge their customers custom pricing.

This is because Bloomreach likes to have 1 price per SKU so they can know how much to charge you.

Any surprises at renewal?

A Bloomreach client has reported on Gartner that the platform gave them a price change on short notice.

It is not specified how much that change was, but the client is unhappy that they were not given enough time to find alternatives.

Looking for an alternative to Bloomreach?

Are you looking for a Bloomreach alternative with a better pricing model for your e-commerce brand?

Or, perhaps you're looking for a customer experience platform that helps you drive more sales and average basket sizes.

New AI-powered solutions like Big Sur AI (our tool) offer a conversational experience that guides customers through their shopping journey like a shopping assistant would.

Let's go over Big Sur AI's key features 👇

AI Sales Agent

Big Sur AI's Sales Agent recreates the traditional shopping experience of consumers talking to a knowledgeable and assistive salesperson.

Unlike Bloomreach, which offers a personalized search, our tool can converse with your customers in real time to help them find, compare, and choose products that meet their needs.

  • Available 24/7, the AI Sales Agent understands your products and supports complex questions.
  • The software understands nuanced questions and holds conversations like a human assistant, using Natural Language Processing (NLP).
  • Every conversation is personalized to the customer and tailored to their shopping journey.
  • Optimized for conversions - the product recommendations and question prompts are based on what would most likely lead to a conversion for each user.

Conversion-Optimized AI Prompts

To improve your customers' shopping experience, our tool recommends questions under your products.

The questions are optimized for conversions based on what questions are most likely to lead to a purchase.

The questions are tailored to each user on your website as they consider their shopping journey on the website.

AI Product Recommendations

Cross-sell and up-sell your customers with our AI product recommendations to increase your average order value (AOV) and conversion rate.

The tool analyzes customer data to predict which products customers might be interested in or what products are already in their basket.

The tool then generates sections in the product or category pages with recommended products:

  • ''Picked for you'' product module displays a selection of products your customers are most likely to purchase.
  • ''Frequently bought together'' product module that appears when a user adds a product to cart.
  • ''Top sellers'' product module that shows the best-selling product in the product category.

Example: Wyze utilized Big Sur AI's cross-selling features to improve their average basket sizes and conversion rate.

How Big Sur AI's Pricing is Different From Bloomreach

Big Sur AI has 2 pricing models:

  • Commission-Based Model - only pay when conversions are attributed to the AI Sales Agent.

This is a pay-for-performance model, where you only pay a commission for the sale of your products.

The conversion window is negotiated, but it’s typically 30 days.

  • Tiered Pricing Model - recurring monthly payment based on the average volume of unique visitors per month.

Think of these pricing models as if you’re hiring a salesman.

You choose between paying per unique visitor to your website or a commission on each sale attributed to the software.

💡This approach differs from Bloomreach, which bases its pricing on the product modules you use and how much you use the platform.

Big Sur AI’s pricing can be results-based and connected to your bottom line.

Get Started with Big Sur AI Today

Customers miss the experience of talking to a knowledgeable and assistive salesperson who helps them with their shopping journey.

You can recreate that experience on your online store with Big Sur AI, which will help your customers find the right product for their needs.

Our AI-powered assistant can help your customers learn more about your products and help them make the right product choice with personalized product recommendations and question prompts.

The tool can be an alternative to Bloomreach or complement its omnichannel marketing capabilities.

You can use Bloomreach for omnichannel marketing personalization and automations and complement it with Big Sur AI's Sales Agent to help your customers ask more complex questions.

Get in touch with us to learn more about Big Sur AI and how it can help your brand increase conversions while providing a better experience to customers throughout their shopping journey.

‘’Adding Big Sur AI's Sales Agent provides immediate and accurate assistance, offering relevant information paired with the perfect product recommendation. This partnership has immediately enhanced our customer experience, which in turn has significantly increased our conversion rate.’’

Achieve breakthrough conversion rates, with the power of AI

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