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AI Sales Agent

Transform your product discovery with our 24/7 real-time assisted shopping experience.

AI Sales Agent
Conversational product discovery, tailored to your brand

Conversational product discovery, tailored to your brand

  • Engage customers in natural language with your brand’s voice
  • Provide instant recommendations and answers to complex queries
  • Powered by AI, customizable by you

Dynamic AI product comparisons
Dynamic AI product comparisons

Dynamic AI product comparisons

  • Streamline purchase decision with real-time product comparisons
  • Automatically generate comparison tables based on current data, ensuring up-to-date and relevant information
  • Visual tables for an intuitive experience

Optimized for conversions

Optimized for conversions

  • Every interaction and recommendation optimized for conversion
  • Targeted follow-on questions to guide shoppers toward conversion
  • Custom machine learning and AI models for your store

Get up and running instantly

1. Install

Simply add a line of code to your site, and you’re ready to go! Big Sur AI is instantly integrated into your store for internal testing.

2. Pilot

Run a pilot with your targeted traffic to see its impact on conversions and gain insights from your shoppers.

3. Launch

Scale up to reach all your shoppers and watch your conversion rates soar.

1. Install

Simply add a line of code to your site, and you’re ready to go! Big Sur AI is instantly integrated into your store for internal testing.

2. Pilot

Run a pilot with your targeted traffic to see its impact on conversions and gain insights from your shoppers.

3. Launch

Scale up to reach all your shoppers and watch your conversion rates soar.

Try the state-of-art AI Sales Agent for free

Drive more conversions by providing a personalized shopper experience with Big Sur AIFree trial. Instant installation. Can handle any traffic volume.
Achieve breakthrough conversion rates, with the power of AI

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