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Merchant Insights

Transform thousands of shopper conversations into actionable strategies with AI-driven insights.

Merchant Insights
Understand key questions that influence conversions and abandonment

Understand key questions that influence conversions and abandonment

  • Identify the common questions that lead to successful purchases
  • Discover specific queries that correlate with high abandonment rates
  • Utilize these insights to optimize content and streamline navigation

Streamline merchandising and marketing with conversational insights

Streamline merchandising and marketing with conversational insights

  • Use shopper questions to understand how to better organize products for increased visibility
  • Harness the power of conversational and query data to tailor marketing messages that resonate with your core audience
  • Identify frequently bought together products to suggest optimal product bundles

Enhance product descriptions

Enhance product descriptions

  • Discover what information shoppers are consistently seeking but not finding in your current descriptions
  • Utilize conversational data to write product descriptions in your customers' language and boost your SEO
  • Emphasize the features most frequently questioned by shoppers

Get up and running instantly

1. Install

Simply add a line of code to your site, and you’re ready to go! Big Sur AI is instantly integrated into your store for internal testing.

2. Pilot

Run a pilot with your targeted traffic to see its impact on conversions and gain insights from your shoppers.

3. Launch

Scale up to reach all your shoppers and watch your conversion rates soar.

1. Install

Simply add a line of code to your site, and you’re ready to go! Big Sur AI is instantly integrated into your store for internal testing.

2. Pilot

Run a pilot with your targeted traffic to see its impact on conversions and gain insights from your shoppers.

3. Launch

Scale up to reach all your shoppers and watch your conversion rates soar.

Try the state-of-art AI Sales Agent for free

Drive more conversions by providing a personalized shopper experience with Big Sur AIFree trial. Instant installation. Can handle any traffic volume.
Achieve breakthrough conversion rates, with the power of AI

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