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Best 7 Website Optimization Tools For E-Commerce in 2024

Vinod RamachandranAugust 12, 2024

If you are looking for the best website optimization tools for your e-commerce store, this guide is for you.

In this article, we'll review seven e-commerce optimization software, going over their use cases, pros and cons, and pricing models.


➡️ Big Sur AI offers the best e-commerce optimization software by helping you create a human-like conversational experience in your store. Pricing can be based on sales attributed to the software.

➡️ OptiMonk lets you optimize your website with pop-ups, sidebars, and full-page overlays. Pricing is based on your monthly page views.

➡️ Yieldify helps you optimize your site’s conversion rate by personalizing the on-site customer experience with custom business rules. Pricing is custom.

➡️ Justuno lets you optimize your website with personalized messaging, A/B testing of landing pages, and pop-ups. Pricing is based on monthly website visitors.

➡️ UserTesting lets you conduct usability tests on real shoppers to gather feedback and improve your shopping experience. Pricing is custom.

➡️ Crazy Egg helps you optimize your site’s user experience with heatmaps and recordings of your shoppers. Pricing is based on tracked page views per month.

➡️ ScreamingFrog helps you identify your website's technical errors that are keeping it from ranking on Google. The license costs $259/year/seat.

Before we begin, we will go over a few factors to consider when evaluating e-commerce optimization tools for your online brand.

Factors To Consider When Evaluating Website Optimization Software For Your Online Store

#1: How Does This Tool Optimize My E-Commerce Store?

Different tools can be used to optimize different aspects of your website.

Here are the main use cases for optimizing your e-commerce website 👇

  • Bring a conversational experience to your website to assist your customers in finding the right products for their needs.
  • Improve conversion rates via AI product recommendations, A/B testing, and user testing.
  • Personalize the shopping experience to each shopper with AI-powered personalization tools.
  • Identify and fix your site's technical issues to improve your site’s technical SEO.

#2: How Can I Measure The Effectiveness of This Tool?

The end goal of optimization is to bring more revenue and improve the conversion rate of your store.

➡️ This is why you need to be able to measure the results of your website optimization efforts.

Some of the tools we will go over have ingrained analytics and reporting on revenue generated and conversion rates.

However, for other tools, you will need your in-house data to measure the campaigns' results.

#3: Can This Tool Integrate With My CMS?

The website optimization software you choose needs to be compatible with your CMS and easily integrate with it.

Or, even better, the tool would not need any CMS integration in the first place.

Some e-commerce optimization tools cost plenty of time and money to integrate into your CMS.

👉 Others may not even support your CMS if you use less popular platforms.

#4: What is The Cost Structure?

When evaluating optimization tools, you must know if the pricing structure works for your online brand.

Some tools offer a % commission for each sale attributed to their software, while others require a monthly subscription.

💡 After taking into consideration all of the above factors, we selected the best website optimization tools for your e-commerce brand:

What Are The Best Website Optimization Tools For E-Commerce?

Here are the best website optimization tools for e-commerce out of all the software we reviewed:

#1: Big Sur AI - An AI-powered sales agent who helps you increase your conversion rate by providing customers with a 24/7 real-time personalized shopping experience.

#2: OptiMonk - Optimize your website with smart pop-ups, and smart A/B testing lets you personalize your site’s content.

#3: Yieldify - Optimize your website by personalizing the on-site customer experience with business rules.

#4: Justuno - Optimize your website with personalized messaging and offers.

#5: UserTesting - Conduct usability tests and gather feedback from real shoppers.

#6: Crazy Egg - Optimize your site’s user experience with heatmaps and recordings.

#7: ScreamingFrog - Spot the technical SEO errors of your website that are holding you back from ranking on Google.

#1: Big Sur AI

Big Sur AI is an AI-powered sales assistant that helps e-commerce managers increase sales and conversion rates.

The tool provides customers with a 24/7 real-time personalized shopping experience.

Full disclosure: Even though Big Sur AI is our tool, we aim to provide an unbiased perspective on why it is the best website optimization software for online stores on the market.

Big Sur AI replicates the traditional shopping experience of speaking to a qualified sales assistant in your online store, making it the best choice for online stores that want to improve their conversion rate.

Big Sur AI's Features

AI Sales Agent

Big Sur's AI Sales Agent lets your shoppers ask contextual questions about your products anywhere on your site, and the tool will provide them with personalized answers.

Here's an example from Rad Power Bikes if you ask the sales assistant to recommend a bike for a height of 6'2 ⤵️

The sales agent is trained on your product features and details, providing personalized product recommendations and in-depth responses.

The tool considers each customer's engagement with your online store to provide even more personalized responses.

Here's why online stores adopt Big Sur AI:

  • 24/7 Real-Time Shopping Assistance: The AI Sales Agent helps shoppers find the right product for their needs anywhere and anytime on your site.
  • Tailored to your store: You control the AI experience for your consumers. The sales agent is fed and trained with your store’s product information.
  • Optimized for conversions: Our tool's advice is designed to provide relevant recommendations and propose follow-up questions based on data on what would likely lead to a conversion.
  • Conversational experience: Your shoppers can converse with Big Sur’s sales assistant as if they were messaging a human.

Conversion-Optimized AI Prompts

Big Sur’s Conversion-Optimized AI Prompts nudge your shoppers to start more conversations, increasing conversions and basket sizes.

Our tool analyzes how your customers engage with your site and predicts what questions they might ask before purchasing.

The software then prompts shoppers to ask these questions throughout their product browsing experience.

Here’s an example from Wyze ⤵️

Wyze used Big Sur AI to help shoppers reduce uncertainty before purchasing specialized products.

💡Customers who interact with Big Sur AI convert at four times the rate as the average store shopper.

These suggested prompts are embedded on your product and collections pages and are personalized to each customer.

💡That means every shopper will see different questions crafted to maximize the conversion likelihood.

AI Product Recommendations

When shoppers go to conventional stores, they are shown catch-all product recommendations, such as:

  • Frequently bought together.
  • Most purchased products overall.

These recommendations are not personalized, as they are the same for every shopper.

Big Sur AI helps e-commerce stores increase their sales volume by making personalized product recommendations based on:

  • Shoppers' engagement on the website, like product views and buttons clicked.
  • Information that was gathered through the conversational experience with the sales agent.
  • The questions each shopper asked.

The tool's product recommendations are broken into three modules:

  • Picked just for you: A selection of products shoppers will most likely buy based on what the tool knows about them.
  • Frequently bought together: These recommendations appear once a shopper adds a product to their cart. They feature other products that shoppers typically buy based on their previous site activity.
  • Top sellers: These are the bestsellers in the same product category as the product a customer is considering, but they show items based on the shopper’s gathered information.

These modules are shown to customers according to the page they're on and how they landed there.

Shoppers receive these product recommendations on your product and collections pages or during a conversation with the AI Sales Agent, increasing your store's basket sizes.

Merchant Insights

Big Sur AI helps you collect unique insights into consumer behavior to make better strategic decisions.

The tool lets you uncover your shoppers' questions while browsing your products and how the questions correlate to purchasing behavior (i.e., what questions lead to sales).

You can also get insights into what questions lead to conversions vs. cart abandonment ⤵️

Your brand will get access to detailed analytics on what products are frequently bought together, which will help your team create product bundles and make other strategic decisions.

Our merchants appreciate understanding the correlation between past purchases, customer profiles, and the shoppers' interactions with their online stores.

These insights can help you optimize your store's product descriptions and build a marketing strategy based on what your shoppers truly want.

Last but not least, you can see where your customers drop off and where the Big Sur’s sales assistant helped drive spikes in sales volume and conversion rate:


Big Sur AI has two pricing models:

  • Commission-Based Model - only pay when conversions are attributed to the AI Sales Agent.

This is a pay-for-performance model, where merchants pay a commission only for each sale attributed to our tool.

The conversion window is negotiated, but it’s typically 30 days.

  • Tiered Pricing Model - recurring monthly payment based on the website's average volume of unique visitors per month.

Think of these pricing models as if you’re hiring a salesperson.

You decide between paying per unique visitor to your website or a commission on each sale attributed to Big Sur AI.

Pros and Cons

✅ Real-time conversational shopping assistant.

✅ Easy to set up with minimum developer resources required.

✅ Data-driven approach to optimizing for conversions.

✅ Hyper-personalizes the customer experience, increasing conversion rates.

✅ Seamless integration with Shopify that takes 5 minutes.

❌ As a new product, the software hasn’t been as tested as other personalization tools.

#2: OptiMonk

Best for: Optimizing your website with pop-ups to increase your conversion rate.

Similar to: Justuno, Yieldify.

OptiMonk optimizes your website with smart pop-ups and other website personalization features.

The tool aims to improve your messaging and personalize your site’s content to improve the conversion rate of your landing pages.

Top Features

  • Pop-ups and overlays with precise targeting to capture the attention of customers.
  • Smart Personalizer that provides a dynamic, one-to-one personalization for your landing pages in real-time.
  • Smart A/B Testing that is a fully automated AI-assisted testing of landing pages to optimize the customer experience.
  • Smart Product Page Optimizer that uses AI to turn product detail pages into sales pages with AI-powered copy.


The tool bases its pricing on your site’s page views per month.

OptiMonk offers a free version of its software that allows up to 15,000 page views per month and includes all features.

There are four paid tiers that let you use the platform on multiple domains and for an increased amount of page views.

  • Essential Plan: $32.5/month, which works up to 30,000 page views per month and integrates it with up to 2 domains. The branding is also removed.
  • Growth Plan: $82.5/month, which works up to 100,000 page views per month and integrates it with up to 4 domains.
  • Premium Plan: $207.5/month, which lets up to 500,000 page views per month and integrates with up to 10 domains.
  • Master Plan: A custom price that works up to a custom number of page views per month and integrates it with unlimited domains.

Note: OptiMonk AI also allows you to access the tool's smart A/B testing, smart product page optimizer, and smart personalizations for $249/month.

Pros and Cons

✅ Pop-up templates and customization options.

✅ The pop-ups can be personalized and appear at the right time and at the right place.

✅ AI features that can perform A/B testing and optimize the product pages.

❌ The UI has been reported to crash sometimes.

❌ The number of configurations can get overwhelming.

#3: Yieldify

Best for: Optimizing the on-site customer experience with personalization.

Similar to: OptiMonk.

Yieldify is an all-in-one website personalization platform that lets you increase your conversion rate and average order value.

The tool personalizes the customer experience by leveraging your shoppers' preferences and engagement on the site.

Top Features

  • Optimize the customer experience by personalizing your website’s buying journey from the beginning to the end.
  • Website analytics and insights into your audience with Yieldify’s Sunburst, where you can measure macro conversions (a sale) and micro conversions (add to basket).
  • A/B and A/B/n testing, where you can test the design, placement, and messaging of your personalized experiences.
  • Integrations with Klaviyo and other CRMs, email platforms, and SMS software.


You'd have to contact Yieldify for a product demo and a quote.

Pros and Cons

✅ Advanced rules-based personalization.

✅ Quick-to-launch testing where you can get your first tests live in under 14 days.

✅ A/B testing of personalization efforts.

❌ Users report limited reporting capabilities.

❌ Steep learning curve.

#4: Justuno

Best for: Optimizing your website with personalized messaging and offers.

Similar to: OptiMonk.

Justuno is a conversion rate optimization tool that offers many personalization features, such as pop-ups and banners.

The software lets you to drive more sales by setting up automations that trigger personalized messaging based on website behavior.

Top Features

  • Optimize your site’s experience with personalized pop-ups, banners, slide-ins, and overlays.
  • A/B testing and segmentation will help you gain insights into consumer behavior to make data-driven decisions.
  • A code-free environment where you can design the pop-ups and their features.
  • Product recommendations based on consumer viewing and purchase history to improve conversion rates.


Justuno bases its pricing on your site’s monthly visitors.

There is also a freemium version of the platform that lets you to test the platform for up to 2,000 monthly visitors with two live workflows.

There are three paid tiers. Assuming your brand has 50,000 monthly visitors:

  • Lite Plan: $179.10/month that gives you access to 3 team seats and three custom workflows,
  • Flex Plan: $449.10/month that gives you access to custom segments, custom properties, and an account strategist.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing that gives you access to the Enterprise Hub, custom team roles, and cross-domain reporting.

Pros and Cons

✅ Pre-built templates that you can use right away.

✅ Code-free environment where you can design the templates yourself.

✅ A/B testing of the campaigns.

❌ Limited reporting.

❌ Getting the hang of segmenting can take time.

#5: UserTesting

Best for: Conducting usability tests and gathering feedback from real shoppers.

Similar to: Crazy Egg.

UserTesting is a platform specializing in usability tests, which lets you gather feedback from real users.

The tool helps you optimize your shopping experience by giving you valuable insights into how people shop in your store and flagging potential bottlenecks.

Top Features

  • AI-powered analytics and data visualizations help you translate raw results into actionable insights.
  • Video insights from real people that capture and analyze the real-world interactions and facial expressions of shoppers.
  • Interactive visualizations, including click path analysis, sentiment analysis, and keyword maps.
  • Automatic detection when users are encountering issues or expressing frustrations.


You’d have to contact UserTesting for a quote.

Pros and Cons

✅ Usability tests from real shoppers.

✅ Evaluate drop-off points and where your customers are dissatisfied with your platform.

✅ Interactive visualizations.

❌ Respondents can be of low quality.

❌ The tool can get expensive.

#6: Crazy Egg

Best for: Optimizing your site’s user experience with heatmaps and recordings.

Similar to: UserTesting.

Crazy Egg is an e-commerce optimization platform that helps you understand how your shoppers interact with your website.

The tool gives you access to heatmaps and recordings and lets you access A/B test landing pages.

Top Features

  • See through the eyes of your customers with snapshots from heatmaps, scroll maps, and more.
  • Recordings of real website visitors that converted, bounced, or did not convert.
  • A/B test different designs and CTAs to optimize your landing pages for conversions.
  • Traffic analytics lets you compare the performance of referring traffic, campaigns, and landing pages.


The platform bases its pricing on tracked page views per month.

Crazy Egg offers three paid tiers:

  • Plus Plan: $99/month for 150,000 tracked page views per month, giving you access to unlimited surveys, A/B tests, and websites.
  • Pro Plan: $249/month for 500,000 tracked page views per month, giving you access to 100 snapshots and 5,000 monthly recordings.
  • Enterprise Plan: $499/month for 1,000,000 tracked page views per month, giving you access to 200 snapshots and 10,000 monthly recordings.

Pros and Cons

✅ Track shopper behavior on site.

✅ Access recordings of real customers.

✅ Easy to set up and manage.

❌ General lack of integrations.

❌ Limited visualizations.

#7: ScreamingFrog

Best for: Optimizing your store’s technical SEO to improve your rankings on Google.

Similar to: Semrush’s Site Audit (not listed here).

A list of website optimization tools for e-commerce stores would only be complete with ScreamingFrog.

Screaming Frog is an SEO tool that crawls and analyzes your online store for errors and opportunities to help you improve your organic traffic.

Top Features

  • Perform large-scale technical site audits that will help you identify technical errors on your website, such as broken links, structured data issues (important for e-commerce), and hreflang (important for internal e-commerce).
  • The crawler can be customized to audit multiple sub-domains on your website and access more technical checks.
  • Integrations with Google Search Console and Google Analytics for bonus insights on your website’s health.
  • Improve your page speed via ScreamingFrog’s integration with Google PageSpeed insights.


ScreamingFrog has a freemium version that lets you crawl e-commerce websites of up to 500 URLs.

There is only one paid ScreamingFrog plan, a license that costs $259/year for every seat and includes all features.

Pros and Cons

✅ Find the technical errors of your website - from sub-optimal titles to hreflang.

✅ Be able to crawl e-commerce websites with tens of thousands of pages.

✅ Integrations with Google’s SEO products.

❌ An SEO specialist will need to interpret the results from the crawls.

❌ Crawling of larger websites can take hours and require computing power.

Wondering About The Different Use Cases of AI in E-Commerce?

Check out our AI in e-commerce use cases list, which covers ten use cases of online retailers using AI tools to increase their revenue.

Next Steps: Delight Your Shoppers With a Personalized Shopping Experience With Big Sur AI's Sales Agent

Optimize your website with a conversational experience that works 24/7 to assist your shoppers and AI product recommendations.

Our AI-powered Sales Agent can guide shoppers' shopping journey with conversion-optimized prompts and product suggestions.

The conversational experience lets your customers find the right product for their needs.

Be data-driven about what pre-purchase questions shoppers have on your website to improve your product descriptions and double down on what works.

Contact us to discover how Big Sur AI can help your brand increase conversions and improve your customer experience throughout the buyer journey.
Achieve breakthrough conversion rates, with the power of AI

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